• E-mail: tat.connect@tatcode.com

Digital Transformation

TaTCode enable you to evolve your application, platforms, infrastructure and business processes to meet the need of a modern growing enterprise. Your organization needs to be agile and focused to be able to go, adopt and survive in the market quickly and efficiently.

TaTCode provides help to IT organizations towards change in their culture and their business process, and also to develop their ability to plan and improve performance with better decision making. TaTCode help you to unlock your ability to resonate your IT resources and streamline your processes towards the organizational business goals.

Service Offerings

Internet of Things(IoT)

The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, machines and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data.

Most of the organizations with different field of business are connecting their devices, sensors and hardware to internet to achieve a rise in their process efficiency, productivity and overall revenue.

TaTCode’s team of professionals enable you to get most out of your IoT network. We work with you side by side to exactly identify the technology for your IoT network for a seamless connection according to your business needs.

We analyse your business process, devices, digital capabilities and over all security. With this information you can get a suitable roadmap for the transformation process which is best for your organization and its goals.

Artificial Intelligence(AI)

Using Artificial Intelligence helps the business process by optimizing tasks including marketing automation, support, and service in addition to IT and supply chain management. AI enable to obtain a competitive advantage in business.

TatCode provides assistance in developing their AI driven products and solutions. We use machine learning tools and algorithms in the best possible way suitable for our customer’s requirements.

We analyse your business process, requirements, capabilities and over all security. With this information you can get a suitable roadmap for the transformation process, tools, technologies and architecture which is best for your organization and its goals.

We work with your teams side by side and see through the successful development and deployment of your product.

Smart Solutions

Smart solutions include functions of sensing and analyze a situation, and make decisions based on the available data in a predictive or adaptive manner, thereby performing smart actions. These solutions help in optimizing the business process and customer experience.

Smart solutions is known as an integrations of smart, connected devices and systems, advanced analytics and service customization to solve the customer’s business problems and enable them to take their product and business to next level.

The analytics produced allow user to better provide direction, anticipating service needs and optimize business productivity in order to drive to long term results, such as improving overall organizational performance and lowering costs.

Micro Services

Microservices - also known as the microservice architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services, which implement business capabilities. The microservice architecture enables the continuous delivery/deployment of large, complex applications. It also enables an organization to evolve its technology stack.

Most of the organizations have to develop large business applications to manage their day to day business process establishing smooth communication and flow of work. If there are multiple work locations then the application will become more complex and require expert assistance to handle and maintain. In these scenarios a single gigantic monolithic application can increase the pain of the organization by incurring more cost of operation and increasing resources used.

Instead of building a single huge application TaTCode provide the service to develop the application such as the application is split into smaller set of interconnected service. TaTCode’s team of experts will work with you to get the most out of your business potential using the microservices architecture as some of its benefits are as follows which reduce cost to develop, increase flexibility and boost the productivity:

  1. A microservice can be developed by a fairly small team
  2. Code for different services can be written in different languages increasing the options for development
  3. Easy integration and automatic deployment
  4. Easy to understand and modify for developers, thus can help a new team member become productive quickly
  5. When change is required in a certain part of the application, only the related service can be modified and redeployed—no need to modify and redeploy the entire application
  6. Better fault isolation i.e. if one microservice fails, the other will continue to work
  7. Easy to scale and integrate with third-party services


A web service is a method of communication between two electronic devices over a network. It is a software function provided at a network address over the web with the service. A Web API is a development in web services where emphasis has been moving to simpler representational state transfer (REST) based communications.

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